Salalah International School provides a comprehensive schooling program for students from 3 to 18 years old, focusing on the holistic development of every child. In the early years of schooling we follow an internationally accepted, developmental cycle oriented, concept based curriculum. However, for other levels, the curriculum at Salalah International School is by and large based upon the universally recognized and welcomed educational programs offered by British-based Cambridge International Examinations. Additionally, some selected subjects follow the national curriculum of the Sultanate of Oman.
This international education program ensures a smooth transition through the years of schooling starting with Cambridge Primary Checkpoint and moving through to IGCSE and then AS and A Levels in the senior years. It provides the opportunity for students to succeed in a stimulating, externally validated, highly respected and world-renowned educational program. Ultimately, the qualifications which can be obtained by our senior students with Cambridge Advanced Levels will open the doors to prestigious universities across the world.
The curriculum of the Early Years is based on the seven important and inter-connected areas of learning and development. Each of these is crucial for igniting the children’s curiosity and enthusiasm, building their capacity to learn, strengthening relationships and growing a positive personality.
The Seven Domains of the Developmental Cycle are:
Physical Development (Gross and Fine Motor Skills):
The activity-based interactive curriculum provides opportunities to develop all kinds of physical movements, balancing skills, hand eye co-ordination, etc. Children are also helped to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy choices in relation to food. -
Language Development:
Children are exposed to a rich language environment through a range of situations, in which they listen and communicate in order to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves. -
Literacy Development:
Children link sounds and letters and begin to read and write. Children are given access to a wide range of both pre-reading activities and reading activities using materials like books, poems, and other written materials to ignite their literary interest. -
Mathematical Development:
Children develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers by identifying shapes, grouping objects, recognizing numbers and doing simple mathematical operations through a variety of activities. -
Personal, Emotional and Social Development:
Children develop a positive sense of themselves and others; make positive relationships and develop respect for others; and learn social skills and how to manage their feelings. They also understand appropriate behaviour in groups and have confidence in their own abilities. -
Knowledge and Understanding of their environment:
Children learn to make sense of their physical environment and community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment. -
Creative Development:
Children explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, design and technology. Thus, they receive the opportunity to be innovative and creative, a highly sought after skill in the 21st century.
The Cambridge framework provides curriculum for the key subjects of English, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science and ICT. Other subjects are based upon the National Curriculum for the Sultanate of Oman. They include Arabic, Islamic Studies, Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education and Life Skills Education.
The Cambridge and Omani National Curriculum programs provide statements of content, knowledge, skills, understanding and target levels for all the subjects taught at SIS.
The Checkpoint Secondary 1 years are characterized by an increasingly focused approach with specialist teachers for all subjects. This ensures that not only are students developing their knowledge and skills but they are also prepared for the rigors of examination courses which begin with Cambridge IGCSE from Year 9 onwards.
The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is normally a two-year program leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations from Cambridge Assessment International Education. It is a unique UK government endorsed program utilised by thousands of schools around the world.
Our students are offered a curriculum across Years 9 and 10 that include subjects following IGCSE syllabi like English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In addition, three or four other subjects could be opted into from a wide range of subjects like Foreign Languages (French), Geography, History, Business Studies, Computer Science, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and, if applicable, a self-study of English as a First Language.
Cambridge ICE is the group award of the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (Cambridge IGCSE). It requires the study of subjects drawn from the following FIVE subject groups.
- Languages (Group 1)
- Humanities (Group 2)
- Sciences (Group 3)
- Mathematics (Group 4)
- Professional and Creative (Group 5)
The final years of schooling are dedicated to the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced (A) Level examination courses of Cambridge International Examinations. Recognized around the world for university entrance, they offer students the flexibility of a variety of subject choices. Students can specialize in English Language & Literature, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business, and Technical and Creative domains choosing from a broad range of subjects from across different disciplines. In relation to the syllabus, this is accomplished through the continuation of IGCSE courses.
The Advanced Level, or ‘A’ Level, is the ‘gold standard’ of Cambridge qualifications. It is accepted as an entry qualification by more than 500 Universities of the European Union and elsewhere around the world. ‘A’ Level examinations are usually taken after 13 years of education and are based on approximately 360 hours of guided learning per subject, normally over a two-year period. ‘A’ level is highly specialized.
However, what is available in a particular academic year depends upon a number of factors. What is ensured is the suitability for our students and the key curriculum factors of breadth and balance. There is a huge range of hard-copy and digital resources available to assist teachers which school purchases mainly from the UK.
Academic specifications are only half of the story. In Salalah International School, we believe we excel in putting the child and his or her needs and situation first. So not only do we recognize that each and every child is unique with specific learning abilities but we make every effort to ensure that the each child is supported in actualizing his potential.
All Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications can count towards the Cambridge AICEDiploma.
The FIVE curriculum groups are as follows:
- Core Group 0 - Cambridge Global Perspective (Compulsory)
- Group 1 - Mathematics and Sciences
- Group 2 – Languages
- Group 3 - Arts and Humanities
- Group 4 - Interdisciplinary Subjects (Optional)
In addition to these high level examination courses, Salalah International School also supports students with different aspirations by helping them with the Omani National Curriculum in order to prepare them for the General Education Diploma. This stream is called Bilingual. Salalah International School follows the bilingual system only for grades 9 to 12.
In Grades 9 and 10 the National Curriculum of Oman include Islamic Studies, Social Studies, Arabic, Life Skills, Physical Education, Music, Art subjects which are taught in Arabic. Whereas subjects like English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and ICT are taught in English.
In Grades 11 and 12 Students have certain compulsory subjects and a few optional subjects to be chosen from a range of subjects given by the Ministry of Education. At this stage we offer students with three subject groups. In all these groups the basic subjects are common. However, the optional subjects will be different. At the end of Grade 12 the General Education Diploma is given to the successful candidates.