Salalah International School has a long-standing commitment to sharing its resources with communities, both local and international. The community outreach program was created to generate opportunities for students of Salalah International School to become actively engaged in service-related initiatives within the school, the community and the world.
The program works towards fulfilling the vision and mission of Salalah International School by empowering our students to fully engage in them. The community outreach program develops leadership through service.
Through consistent and sustained voluntary efforts, service becomes a lifelong commitment. Working together with those we serve, we broaden our awareness to embrace the commonalities of all human beings, overcome bias and fear, develop organizational and leadership skills, and instil a sense of civic responsibility and service into our daily lives.
The community outreach program strives to initiate the incorporation and implementation of the objectives of a service learning model into the existing school curriculum. This enriches the classroom environment for students and fosters learning through experience beyond the walls of a classroom.
The Student Council is a student-based civic organization designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students.
Students participating in all levels of the council will maintain a high standard of personal conduct. Council members will demonstrate leadership qualities by serving as good examples of behaviour through their words and actions.
The purpose of the student council is
- To develop positive attitude and to practise good social responsibility.
- To improve student-faculty relationships.
- To provide a forum for student expression.
- To improve school morale and general welfare.
Objectives of the student council are to
- Voice the opinions, ideas and concerns of the student body to school faculty.
- Train students in leadership.
- Aid various school organizations in the planning, communication and implementation of events.
The co-curricular activities program at Salalah International School offers a varied range of student activities designed to enhance and extend the curriculum by offering a diverse program through which skills and interests can be nurtured.
The school is committed to providing a complete educational experience to our students which encourages academic excellence and recognizes the importance of a holistic approach to actualize maximum potential in a student.
At Salalah International School we believe in working hard and playing harder. Apart from their academic routine, students take part in character-building co-curricular activities.
They form friendships, learn about teamwork and create cherished memories which they carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Students are actively encouraged to engage themselves in co-curricular activities. Students may participate in the following sports and interest-based activities:
Sports and Games
- Football
- Badminton
- Volleyball
- Cricket
Health and Fitness
- Strength and Conditioning
- Yoga
- Fitness
- Running
Arts, Culture and Creativity
- Arts Club
- Drama Club
- Poetry Club
- Photography Club
- Music Club
Learning and Leadership
- Book Club
- Science Club
- Student Council
- Social Studies Club
- Field Trips
- Spell Bee
- Elocution/Recitation
Clubs and societies may go on rotation every semester, depending on students’ interests and demand. Ultimately, the school ensures that a broad range of co-curricular activities are provided to cultivate students’ interests, talents and passions.
The objective of the Parent Teacher Council is to facilitate communication between parents and the school and engage them in dialogue to better understand the requirements of the children at Salalah International School.
The students benefit from seeing their parents take an active interest in their education and Salalah International School benefits from the active involvement of a vibrant and friendly parent community.
The Parent Teacher Council meets once every month. It is actively involved in building supportive social relationships between staff, parents and others associated with the school.
The role of athletics in a school setting goes far beyond playing games. The challenges of athletic competition complement the rigors of academics and encourage athletes to grow intellectually, socially and physically. The Salalah International School athletics department strives to provide a variety of opportunities to a large number of students, developing skills and sportsmanship while striving for excellence.
Salalah International School offers a wide variety of sports for the students during each season of the school year. Our coaches are committed to promoting sportsmanship and responsibility at all levels of play both on and off the field.
The main function of the house system is to develop a sense of identity or belonging and to celebrate achievements. Each house at SIS represents a colour.
It is important for students to have the opportunity to play an active role and contribute to a community within their school, which allows them to develop skills and talents and acknowledges their successes in a wide range of ways. We encourage students to play an active role in the success of their house. Individual and team efforts are rewarded and students are expected to contribute to Inter-house competitions throughout the year.
The houses are named as follows:
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue