- The application form can be collected from the school administration office. Parents / guardiansmay request that one be sent to them by email by contacting our Admissions Manager at or by telephone at (968) 23320100 or (968) 23320200. Families with more than one child must submit a separate application for each student.Parents must return the completed application form and supporting documents within 7 working days from when they receive the application.
- This form must be accurately completed in full and the parental statement must be signed. All relevant information must be declared including details of disciplinary, social, physical, medical or psychological problems. If we learn that relevant facts have not been revealed, any offer ofplacement within the school will be withdrawn, even if the child has begun attending classes.
- Admission to SIS will be based on the assessment of the suitability of the student to benefit fully from the opportunities offered by the school and ultimately be successful in our programs.The assessment may include interviews with the student and parents conducted by the school administrators or counsellor.In addition to this oral assessment, there will be written assessments appropriate to the level of entry, which will assess the student’s abilities in English, Mathematics, Science and Arabic required for entry.
Applications will not be processed until all information, the registration fee, reports, etc. have been received.
Required documents include:
- Copy of most recent school’s report card and mark sheets
- Copy of applicant's birth certificate/proof of date of birth
- Original Transfer Certificate from previous school (before the applicant begins schooling with us)
- 4 Passport sized photographs of the applicant
- Copy of child's passport (first and last page) and preferably parents' passports as well
- Relevant certificates regarding any medical concerns and documents related to special learning needs (if applicable)
- Copy of the resident card for expatriate students
The parents of the applicant will be informed within a week if, after reviewing the assessment results and other information at his disposal at the time of the application, in the judgment of the Principal, it is likely or unlikely that the child will be able to benefit fully from the educational opportunities offered by SIS.
Parents who have made inquirieswill be informed of all the required documents and steps in the admissions process through an email, which includes the exact schedule of application forms. Application forms are issued based on the vacancies existing in the grade applied for in the following year.
Payment of fees
- All fees must be paid in full on or before the first day of the term.
- Invoices will be issued at least two weeks before the end of the previous term.
- If a pupil leaves before the end of a term no fee refund will be considered.
Non-Payment of fees
- Loss of the student’s place in the school
- Withholding of their school reports, references, and/or examination results
- Temporary or permanent expulsion or exclusion from the school
- School transport fees are fixed and must be paid on time. One-way transport services are also subject to the full fee
- Transport services are available from designated points only; details are available at the administration office
- Parents wishing to withdraw from school transport arrangements must inform the administration office a month in advance
- All students are expected to wear the appropriate school uniform and look neat and tidy. They must wear black, leather, fully enclosed formal shoes; trainers are not acceptable. Students are also expected to maintain an appropriate level of personal hygiene.
- Class teachers will make regular uniform checks. If teachers find that a student is persistently not wearing the correct uniform, they will send the student to the Student Affairs Department and communicate home. A secondary student who is unsuitably dressed may be asked to go home to change clothing or kept from attending lessons as normal. The following should be noted in particular:
- Jewellery of religious significance may be worn by students by discretion of the Principal. Otherwise no jewellery, except for a watch and one small stud earring in each ear lobe for girls only, may be worn to school. No piercings are permitted. Visible tattoos are forbidden
- Onlygirls from Grade 6 and above are permitted to wear make-up and nail polish which must be discreet, understated and appropriate for a business environment
- Nails should be short and of a natural colour
- Boys’ socks should be plain black or white, while girls may wear plain black, white or tan socks. Shoes must be flat; heels are not acceptable.
- Hairstyles should be neither excessively long nor short and should not exceed those that meet with normal social acceptance. Students’ hair must be of a natural colour. It is the school’s decision on what is acceptable and appropriate
- Girls wearing skirts should ensure they are no higher than 5cm above the knee.
- Boys are expected to be clean-shaven, unless there are extenuating circumstances; these should be brought to the attention of your child’s class teacher.
- All uniforms, bags and lunch boxes need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name and class. Primary children may not use suitcases on wheels for school as they are a trip hazard and we do not have appropriate storage facilities.
All students withdrawing from the school must submit notification of their withdrawal in writing to the administration office only after clearing the outstanding balance. A thirty (30) day notification period is required to ensure all necessary documents are prepared. The parents will then be contacted regarding the Ministry of Education’s official transfer procedures and documents.
We would be happy to connect with you for inquiries regarding admissions. You may:
Email us at
Call us at 23320100 | 23320200
Or register online using the applicable link below:
Register online using the "Apply Now" link below for admission into KINDERGARTEN to GRADE12.